
Design a manually controlled wired or wireless robot that has the capacity to cover the maximum distance in the shortest time. But here’s the twist, the track isn’t going to be straightforward. Participate in i.Bot to be a part of this venturous race!

General Rules

  • A team may consist of a maximum of 4 participants, all from the same/different institute.
  • This is a racing event, so the fastest and most balanced robot will win.
  • The robot would be checked for its safety before the competition, and the robot should not damage the arena.
  • Judges' decisions shall be treated as final and binding on all.
  • The robot must not leave behind any of its parts during the run; else, it will result in disqualification.
  • The organizers reserve the right to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit.
  • Only AC supply will be provided (no other variables would be provided by Organisation).
  • Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.
  • Violation of any of the above rules will lead to disqualification.

Criteria Of Triumph

  • The robot that covers the track in the least time will win.
  • If any bot gets stuck at some part of the track, limited hand touches will be allowed along with its penalty.

Prizes Worth: 7K